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Yet Will I Serve Him - the autobiography

Yet Will I Serve Him - the autobiography


Current $30.00 (book cost of $25.00 plus $5.00 shipping)


Page from inside the book:

My life: family, friends, love, lies, sexual relationships, alcohol, life lessons, church leadership, ministry, church hurt and everything between. Do you remember every single detail of your life from the second you were born? Neither can I; however, I will give you the graphic truth and detailed highlights. After running from God for 12 years, I was tired of myself and the life I was living. Feeling the call of God (the aching hole in my heart), I finally surrendered and returned to church in late October 2010. In November of 2010, I rededicated my life back to Christ. In December of 2010, I joined a church and never looked back on my relationship with God ~ not once. Through the trials, tribulations, backstabbing, tears, fears and trying to remove the noise from others as well as myself from inside of my head, I faithfully served God. I was talked about across the pulpit, used, experienced jealousy from saints of God including church leadership; saints told by church leaders to no longer interact with me when God released me from their ministry, attempted to be manipulated by ministries and at times shunned; sexually propositioned by a Pastor and a Deacon, a handful of saints who physically jumped up in my face and still I pressed on. I stood up for what was right when money was being stolen from God’s House. I knew God's plan was and still is greater than mine. I had good and not so good people come into my life. They all served their purpose as God ordained. When man tried to do evil in my life, God turned it around for His good. No matter what, I made a vow that Yet Will I Serve Him.


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